Low Maintenance Hair For Moms: 13 Busy Mamas Tell Us Why They Love LUS (Love Ur Self)
3-Step System

Low Maintenance Hair For Moms: 13 Busy Mamas Tell Us Why They Love LUS (Love Ur Self)

 To kick off Mother's May (our celebration of moms all month-long!) read what 13 busy mamas have to say about why LUS (Love Ur Self) is their go-to when it comes to low-maintenance hair for moms—wi...
Woman washing her hair and scalp in the shower.
3-Step System


Introducing the best scalp scrubber for your curls. Learn why you need to upgrade your shower routine with this must-have silicone scalp scrubber for the deepest clean ever.
How To Take Care of Curly Hair
3-Step System

How To Take Care of Curly Hair

There's A LOT of information out there on curly hair and curly hair care!  We get it, it can become overwhelming. So today, we're going to go back to basics and help you SIMPLIFY your curly hair care.
How To Treat Extremely Dry Curly Hair
3-Step System

How To Treat Extremely Dry Curly Hair

Our guide to healthy and moisturized waves, coils, kinks, and curls.
Hair Porosity – Everything to Know
3-Step System

Hair Porosity – Everything to Know

Hey curlies! If you're like us, you're probably also overwhelmed by all the do's and dont's that pertain to curly hair care. This week we’re covering a much talked about subject: porosity! What the...
Simplify Ur Curly Hair Routine
3-Step System

Simplify Ur Curly Hair Routine

If you look into your bathroom cabinet, what do you see? PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS. And MORE PRODUCTS! It's no secret that some of us curly girls have our own personal salon/beauty supply outlet right un...