There's A LOT of information out there on curly hair and curly hair care! We get it, it can become overwhelming. 😅 So today, we're going to go back to basics and help you SIMPLIFY your curly hair care.
There's a lot we can talk about here, but "the basics" for us include:
- Cleaning your curls
- Conditioning your curls
- Detangling your curls
- Styling your curls
- Drying your curls
- Additional tips and tricks to help you refresh and preserve your curls
Keep Your Curls Clean
Healthy hair starts at the scalp! Some curlies swear by washing their hair only using a conditioner, or “co-washing” in an effort to keep their curls hydrated. Some co-wash products do contain surfactants to also cleanse the hair; but many on the market are just conditioner! Without a true cleansing agent designed to pull dirt and excess oil away from the scalp and hair, overtime not shampooing your hair could lead to product buildup, causing all sorts of hair and scalp problems.

Sulfate-Free Shampoo
Listen to your curls.
If your hair is looking a little dull and your holy grail products aren’t working like they used to, it’s probably a sign that it’s time to start fresh. Switch to a sulfate-free, gentle cleanser that won’t strip your hair of moisture and when you shampoo, be sure to focus on cleansing your scalp.
Also, be mindful that everyone's wash cycle is different. Shampooing your curls too often will zap away moisture so be mindful of this when planning your wash days!
Curls NEED Conditioner
Healthy curls thrive on moisture. It may seem trivial, but the few minutes you spend conditioning your hair makes a difference. So don’t skip your conditioner! And sorry, 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner duos do not count. 😬
Whenever you condition, be sure to distribute your conditioner evenly throughout your hair, working in sections if you have to. And for a major moisture boost, use a deep conditioner once in a while to give your curls a li’l pick-me-up.

Hydrating & Detangling Conditioner

Deep Condition & Repair
Detangling Your Curls
To avoid losing strands and minimize breakage, arm yourself with the right tools. For an effective and pain-free detangling session, experiment with using wide-tooth combs, wet brushes or your fingers to find what works best for your hair texture. Work section by section, starting from the ends and gradually detangling your way up to the root.
We recommend detangling in the shower while you’re conditioning so you can take advantage of the slip! Your conditioner should add tons of slip to your hair – enough that it’s not only easier to comb through but much faster and painless too.
Styling Your Curls
Your curly hair product arsenal can make or break you. Some products, like hairspray or mousse, may give you a few hours of great hair, but they’ll make you pay for it in the long run with ingredients that deplete moisture levels and cause massive build-up (think sulfates, silicones, etc.).
While it can be tempting to cocktail products during the styling process to achieve those "perfect curls," here at LUS (Love Ur Self) we're firm believers that SIMPLICITY is truly key. So whether it's our line or one of the other great options on the market today, find a styling product that works for you and your curls and keep it simple!
LUS (Love Ur Self) 3-STEP SYSTEM
Cleanse, condition and style.
Choose from Wavy, Curly or Kinky-Coily.
Be Careful When Drying Your Curls
Before you power up that blow dryer, make sure you’re using the right setting. Sticking to low-medium heat protects your curls from heat damage and from becoming dehydrated.
If you’re a fan of going low-tech to dry your curls, ditch the towel and use an old cotton t-shirt or microfiber towel to squeeze out the excess moisture or product. Rubbing your hair with a regular towel will create friction and lead to unwanted frizz.
Wondering if you should be air drying or diffusing your curls? Check out this blog for more!
Protect Your Curls at Night
The secret to long-lasting curl definition is a solid nighttime routine. No curly girl’s night is complete without a satin scarf or pillowcase. Cotton pillowcases can pull the moisture out of your hair and generate frizz. Satin prevents friction, which helps keep your curls intact for the next morning.

Refresh Your Curls
Over-washing also sucks the moisture out of your curls, making them brittle and susceptible to split ends and breakage. Refreshing your curls allows you to restore definition and shine without having to repeat your wash day all over again. It’s also an opportunity to revitalize your curls with moisture so they stay soft and supple.
There are tons of methods curly girls use for refreshing their hair. One of the easiest is to shake up water and a couple of squeezes of product in a spray bottle. Spritz the mixture throughout your hair as you scrunch and fluff. Check out our how-to videos page for more refreshing techniques - and lots of other great how-tos!