Mother’s Day is kind of a big deal here at LUS (Love Ur Self)! Such a big deal, in fact, that this year we decided to rename it to Mother’s May, a month-long celebration of moms. We kicked it off with our #FreeUrBuns challenge, where we invited you to ditch the mom bun and show off your curls. We received tons of amazing entries and we loved watching them all! Then it was up to YOU to select our winners, so a huge thank you to everyone who voted.
Our three winners each received a combined $2000 in Amazon gift cards so they can treat themselves to something that brings them joy and contributes to a moment of self-care. After all, isn’t that what every mom really wants?
Without further ado, meet the three amazing winners of our #FreeUrBuns challenge. From LUS (Love Ur Self) to you, we hope you enjoyed your Mother’s May, mamas!
Grand Prize Winner: @Damaracc
Prize: $1000 Amazon Gift Card + Wash·Style·Refresh Kit + a feature on LUS (Love Ur Self) homepage
How will you use your #FreeUrBuns prize money to bring some self-care into your life?
I’m going on vacation in July so I’ll definitely be buying a new bathing suit. I’m also going to give each of my three sons a reward for helping me create the winning reel. I couldn't have done it without Jeremiah, Noah, and Joshua. Boy, did we have fun making that video!
Has LUS (Love Ur Self) made your curl routine easier?
Much easier. The All-In-One does the work of both a leave-in and a styler, which cuts down the time I spend doing my hair—drastically. I finish with the Irish Sea Moss Gel and go. It’s quick and easy!
What advice would you give new moms who are struggling with finding time for themselves?
It is so easy to burn out between the long, sleepless nights and the endless to-do lists. As a new mom, your mental health gets compromised and you can’t function at your best. So take a nap. Go for a walk. Wash your hair. Go shopping. Do something that makes you feel good so when you return to your baby, you return refreshed. Happy mama, happy baby—that's my motto!
What advice would you give your younger self about loving your curls?
Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to be someone you’re not. You’ll eventually gain knowledge of your curly crown and you’ll be able to show other curly girls how to embrace and care for their hair!

Wash Style Refresh Kit
Runner-Up: @liz_mariav
Prize: $500 Amazon Gift Card + Wash·Style·Refresh Kit + a feature on LUS (Love Ur Self) social platforms
How will you use your #FreeUrBuns prize money to bring some self-care into your life?
I plan on getting some camera equipment I’m desperately in need of so I can shoot more quality content!
Has LUS (Love Ur Self) made your curl routine easier?
Yes! With the All-In-One my hair always comes out great. When I use LUS (Love Ur Self) I know my hair is consistently going to be defined and soft. I can wear my hair down an extra day or two every week!
What advice would you give new moms who are struggling with finding time for themselves?
It’s okay to not always be going. I used to think that if the baby was sleeping I had to be doing laundry or something around the house. Now it’s just my ‘me time’.
What lessons do you teach your kids about loving their curls?
I want my daughter to feel confident and beautiful, so she never feels like she has to change herself to fit any beauty standards.
Runner-Up: @plum_xo
Prize: $500 Amazon Gift Card + Wash·Style·Refresh Kit + a feature on LUS (Love Ur Self) social platforms
How will you use your #FreeUrBuns prize money to bring some self-care into your life?
I’ll definitely start by getting myself a new diffuser and blow dryer, because I’ve had my current one for 10+ years.
Has LUS (Love Ur Self) made your curl routine easier?
Absolutely! I feel confident and at ease with my curly hair routine. The way that the LUS (Love Ur Self)3-Step-System makes wash days and refresh days so much easier is a true blessing!
What lessons do you teach your kids about loving their curls?
Words of affirmation are key in our household. My daughter goes to a school where she mostly sees children with pin-straight hair and she often asks me why she can’t have hair like her friends. I remind her that she—and her hair!—are magnificent and unique in every way. I want her to carry that with her throughout her life.
What advice would you give your younger self about loving your curls?
Stay away from the straightener, girl! My biggest regret growing up was feeling like I needed to conform to society’s notions of what’s considered beautiful. It took me nearly 15 years to embrace my natural hair, but now I’m happier than ever.